AAD Authentication for on premisys synced accounts

Copper Contributor

I recently sysnced our on premisys ad with azure ad and tied our aad into Visual Studio Team Services.

when I try to log into VSTS with my synced account I am not prompted to choose work/personal and I receive the message "We do not recognize the username or password". If I log into my VSTS site and add a user it searched my aad directory correctly so i know that it is communicating. Our domain ends in .co so when i try to create a microsoft account with that domain is says I can not use a work account. I am stuck and can not figure out how to get my developers access to the vsts environment.


Thanks in advance for and assistance provided.

2 Replies

Hi Michael,


When creating the VSTS did you grant your aad users access to logon to your VSTS ?

yes we granted them access. I talked to an azure helpdesk engineer and we found that the user account used to sync the ad environment did not have the rights needed to sync the passwords. we fixed this and everything is working now. thank you for inquiring.


Mike Roche