KQL query to disk space utilization in GB and server uptime

Copper Contributor

I am looking for KQL query to check Disk space utilization in GB(14h)for every VM hosted on azure in and also looking for KQL query to check server up-time for past 14h.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance !!

1 Reply



For uptime you have the built-in example - its called "Availability Rate" you see it when you open a new Query Tab.  This is for the Agent uptime 


// Availability rate
// Calculate the availability rate of each connected computer
// bin_at is used to set the time grain to 1 hour, starting exactly 24 hours ago
| summarize heartbeatPerHour = count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1h, ago(24h)), Computer
| extend availablePerHour = iff(heartbeatPerHour > 0, true, false)
| summarize totalAvailableHours = countif(availablePerHour == true) by Computer 
| extend availabilityRate = totalAvailableHours*100.0/24


System Uptime is also a Perf counter - like this (if yuou are collecting this counter)


| where ObjectName == "System" and CounterName == "System Up Time"
| extend UpTime = CounterValue * 1s
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer
| project Computer, UpTime, TimeGenerated
| sort by Computer asc
 | project Computer, UpTime, TimeGenerated


For disk space please start here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-log-analytics/help-with-disk-query-in-log-analytics/m-p...