How to rename axes in Azure Log Analytics Timechart Query

Copper Contributor

I have the following query that I want to change the name of the axes. I tried the optional attributes of render, but it doesn't seem to recognize any of them. What am I missing?


| where ResourceGroup == "rg-sdl-adw"
| where PercentClientOtherError_d > 0
| summarize AV = any(PercentClientOtherError_d) by bin(TimeGenerated, 30m) | 
render timechart with (ytitle = "Y new title")

Current Results:

Rename LAW axes.PNG 

1 Reply


If I understand correctly you want to change the name of TimeGenerated below. That is just a column and you can do something like:

| where ResourceGroup == "rg-sdl-adw"
| where PercentClientOtherError_d > 0
| summarize AV = any(PercentClientOtherError_d) by bin(TimeGenerated, 30m)
| project-rename NewName = TimeGenerated
 | render timechart 

Let me know if this works for you.