VPN within the Azure Lab fails to connect

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


We've installed a couple of VPNs within an Azure Lab but they're timing out when trying to connect. The logs on the VPN profile show the following message:

Tue Mar 7 04:00:09 2023 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Tue Mar 7 04:00:09 2023 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed


The network connectivity is fine. The VPN IPs and ports are accessible as well (ran nmap to check this).


I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'm hoping someone can point us to the right direction. Thanks.

2 Replies

Hi @JosephSnn 

Hope you are doing great.

Please open a support case. To open one, please follow these instructions How to create an Azure support request - Azure supportability | Microsoft Learn, select Lab services as service type and Technical as issue type.

Please provide following details in the support case

  1. Lab resource id
  2. If lab is using advanced networking vs not
  3. Time & Details of error(s) you see on your side

Thank you.


Additional context: After upcoming few weeks, this should be taken care automatically (no manual support case or/and setup needed from anyone) for new labs, for existing labs we still need manual intervention.

If you are using advanced networking, you could do by yourself with below instructions. If you face any issue please open a support case as mentioned above, thank you.


  1. Go to the load balancer (lbe-scaleset) and update the load balancer rule. (update the Outbound SNAT rule to be recommended). Reference attachment named 1
  2. Go to the Front-end IP Configuration, click on the + and create a new Public-Ip configuration, choose Routing Preference to be "Internet". Reference attachment named 2

  3. Add Outbound rule. Reference attachment named 3

Let us know, thank you.