Just released: Update to Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge preview


We are excited to announce the release of new version of “Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge” in public preview. “Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge” is a light-weight Azure consistent module which provides local block blob storage. It comes with deviceToCloudUpload & deviceAutoDelete features. It is available for Windows AMD64, Linux AMD64 and Linux ARM32.


With version 1.2 of “Azure blob Storage on IoT Edge module”, the users can

  1. Store data locally and access the local Blob Storage account using the Azure Storage SDK
  2. Upload blobs from IoT Edge device to Azure
  3. Automatically delete the data from IoT Edge device when upload to Azure is finished successfully
  4. Deploy multiple instances in an IoT Edge device
  5. Deploy from Azure Marketplace or VSCode


Conceptual doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/how-to-store-data-blob

Azure Marketplace: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/marketplace_iot.edge-azure-blob-storag...

Blog: https://aka.ms/abs-iot-blogpost

Quick introduction video: https://youtu.be/QhCYCvu3tiM

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