Does Azure Iot support dynamic sensor assignment?

Copper Contributor

In my case the history of objects should be shown based on a combination of sensor data and sensor-object assignment data. E.g. to show a car's location history using the drivers' phone's location data and the registry of car-key usage (who used the car when). In technical terms the question is, if it is possible:
- to enter object-sensor assignment manually to the system (e.g. into a separate database table), and
- to use a joined query (database view) as the basis of the visualization.
I kindly ask someone with experience to answer this question before I start digging myself into the detailed abilities of the framework.
Thanks in advance

1 Reply
Hi Andrew
Azure IoT Hub does not have a notion of "object" and "sensor". Each "thing" (we call it "device") connecting to the service has a unique identity and will send telemetry, synchronize its state and receive commands through that connection.
But Azure IoT Hub is just one element of a solution and all the data and meta data from devices can be sent to a time series service like Azure Data Explorer where you can work on the data, or (and it seems this might be an even better fit for you) to Azure Digital Twins where you can create models for your data and use the graph to query that data. Azure Digital Twins allows you to describe the relationship between twins and using the graph you can create, update and delete these relationships. Learn more about this here: