Cloud Deployment on Azure Sphere device.

Copper Contributor

I am trying to deploy an image-package onto the cloud. I have followed all the steps as explained in the Microsoft documentation. My problem is that I am able to trigger the download of the application. I am able to see the application when I run the command 

azsphere dev img list-targeted

I get this as output:

--> GPIO_RTApp_MT3620_BareMetal
   --> Image type:   Application
   --> Component ID: 6583wf17-d421-4d02-8281-0b7c5b56434h
   --> Image ID:     e2dq3c5f-slpc-4pz4-84e3-e5bc0309fwer


But I am not able to trigger the installation.


Any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong?

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