Azure IoT Hub just got some updates for you!


The Azure IoT team just published some new features to the service that you will want to check out as they address scenarios that you have been asking for!


  • Telemetry events on Event Grid in public preview : To make it easier to build serverless workflows, IoT Hub now publishes device telemetry events on Event Grid. With this capability, IoT Hub expands the services data can reach, beyond the endpoints supported through message routing. We announced with Event Grid through this blog. New advanced filtering in Event Grid makes this feature extremely powerful for orchestrating event driven architectures. Learn about IoT Hub's integration with Event Grid.


  • IoT Hub message enrichments available in public preview : To simplify downstream processing of data and save on IoT costs for customers, we enabled a new capability in IoT Hub to stamp additional information and enrich messages egressed from IoT Hub. Users can stamp information from their device twins, their IoT Hub name or any static string. Read more in the blog announcement, message enrichments documents and try this tutorial.


  • Message Routing to Blob Storage now supports JSON format in GA : To simplify integration with Azure services that support JSON natively and reduce the learning curve for new IoT Hub users, we added JSON serialization in IoT Hub to provide users a choice to route data to storage in AVRO or JSON. This capability is GA in all regions IoT Hub is available in. Learn about route to blob storage.



  • Public preview features are available in all regions except East US, West US, West Europe, Azure Government, Azure China 21Vianet, and Azure Germany.
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