Guest user and AIP - encrypted email

Copper Contributor

We have a guest user who is added to our Azure AD.

This person is technically challenged, and I am not getting reliable information on what the problem they are having is - other than they can not read an email that they should have rights to.

I have no idea what mail client they are using, but their email is so I assume they will get an email with a link (like the one below), and they should just need to sign in with that email's associated Microsoft account to view the email? Is that correct? I am being told that "I am directed to a Microsoft download window and asked if I want to sign up for this trial service"



2 Replies

@Microfichethat sounds strange indeed. Could it be that he is directed to the signup page here? 

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@Microfiche When sharing protected documents outside of the organization, if they don't have an Azure tenant they will be directed to open a free Microsoft account. It's only few clicks, and they will receive an email in their mailbox to validate the email address.

Be careful if you have restrictive Conditional Access policies for external users/guest accounts. If you block AIP for them, they will never be able to access protected documents and the error message is not very explicit.
