Hi, @showkatnazirmir . Thanks for reaching out. There are several
factors driving the cost of the migration. One of the main ones is the
type of migration: is it a source code migration? is it a logical
partition(s) migration? We do have a brief questionnaire that we send to
our customers to get an ...
I'm fascinated by this Azure example scenario on movie recommendations.
Using Azure's machine learning capabilities to automate movie
suggestions based on user ratings is a fantastic application.I'm also
curious about movie recommendation blog. Can anyone share more about how
it integrates with Azur...
I have added testName in JMeter backend listener according to the above
steps and also added connectionstring (according to latest jar version)
values copied from app insights but still I am not getting test name
provided by me in app insights request. It is showing test name which is
configured in ...
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