'Stack overflow' when downloading universal package to scale-set vm

Copper Contributor

Im trying to download a Univeral Package in my build pipeline for my scale-set vm agent but I get the following error when doing so:



Stack overflow.
Stack overflow.
##[error]Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to download the package. Exit code(2147943401) and error({"@t":"2022-01-12T11:47:32.8793042Z","@m":"ApplicationInsightsTelemetrySender will correlate events with X-TFS-Session 311be43c-19c4-4014-9cd1-cf50b2b4f884","@i":"add8cff5","SourceContext":"ArtifactTool.Commands.UPackDownloadCommand","UtcTimestamp":"2022-01-12 11:47:32.879Z"}



Any ideas why this is happening?


The task to download the Universal Package looks like this:



  - task: UniversalPackages@0
    displayName: 'Get package'
      command: download
      vstsFeed: 'Pipeline/Repo'
      vstsFeedPackage: 'my-feed-name'
      vstsPackageVersion: '1.0.0'
      downloadDirectory: 'C:\FolderName'


 (I changed some values for the properties)


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