Permission/access Audit in Powershell

Copper Contributor

Hello, im trying to generate a report on "who has access" on all Projects in Azure DevOps


I use the following





$organization = "RELEVENT NAME"
$pat = "APATKEY"
$baseUrl = "$organization/_apis"
$APIVersion = "7.0"

# Get all projects in the organization
$projectsUrl = "$baseUrl/projects?api-version=$APIVersion"
$projects = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $projectsUrl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $($pat)"}

# Loop through each project and get the groups and permissions for each added user
foreach ($project in $projects.value) {
    $projectName = $
    $projectUrl = "$baseUrl/$projectName/_apis/graph/users?api-version=$APIVersion&direction=2&$top=5000"
    $addedUsers = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $projectUrl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $($pat)"}
    Write-Host "Project: $projectName"

    foreach ($user in $addedUsers.value) {
        $userId = $user.descriptor
        $userUrl = "$baseUrl/$projectName/_apis/accesscontrolentries?api-version=$APIVersion&identityDescriptor=$userId"
        $permissions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $userUrl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $($pat)"}
        $groups = $user.memberOf | Where-Object { $_.subjectKind -eq "Group" }
        $groups = $groups | ForEach-Object { $_.displayName }
        $groups = $groups -join ', '
        Write-Host "User: $($user.displayName), Groups: $groups"
        foreach ($permission in $permissions.value) {
            $permissionName = $permission.displayName
            Write-Host "  Permission: $permissionName"
    Write-Host ""





 can any one help me figure out why it returns empty all the time.

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