Error while using Add comments API Request

Copper Contributor
Tried to create a new comment for work item in Azure devops with the help of Add comments API using postman. But the request failed to create the comment and I end up with Error message. The error "TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred"
Method: POST
Header : 
Content-Type : application/json-patch+json
    "text""Hai from priya"
Authorization :
Basic Auth
username :
password :uxi5azhzg7wvvcgrr4b32q7tj2liocca4tejc3276wed73rqytyq
ERROR message:
    "message""TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred. Activity Id: 44b4cc77-b9a9-4b30-90d6-f2089b561846.",
    "typeName""System.Web.Http.HttpResponseException, System.Web.Http",
2 Replies


You need to use object not array of object for body and change content-type to application/json



Header : 
Content-Type : application/json
    "text""Hai from priya"
Your Basic Auth header should be formatted as:
Authorization: Basic {Base64-encoded-string}