SQL Server to Kusto


Hello Kusto Community,


I'm trying to ingest Azure DB data into Kusto.  Can anyone provide a pointer on how to do so?


Thank you in advance!

1 Reply
Hello Lawrence, here are a few options for you to consider: 1. Use Azure Data Factory(ADF) - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-data-explorer/azure-data-factory-adf-now-supports-azure... 2. Automate a query from Azure Data Explorer to the Azure SQL DB using the sql request plugin and use .set-or-append to add the data to you table. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/query/sqlrequestplugin (You can automate using ADF control command functionality or via Flow) 3. Use the Azure SQL DB DB export to output data to CSV to blob and then ingest it into Azure Data Explorer. Cheers Uri