Print custom message when there is no data in table return by kusto query


I am working on a dashboard, where in backend Kusto query are running and plot a graph on dashboard based on the results.

I am trying to print a custom message like,

| extend CustomColumn=iff(isempty(expectedExpiration),"Expiration data is not available for this ",expectedExpiration)

i tried isempty, isnull, isNaN function as well but I am not getting this custom message as an output.

Can you help in finding what is going wrong here or I am missing something?

2 Replies

 @itshemant09 there's a workaround available here
Not very nice of course. It would be easier for everybody if the dashboards would stop displaying this error-like red screen. 

i tried this before posting this question here but didn't work. This is something that I tried from my own and it worked.
| ,Your logic.
| project ExpectedExpiration,RemainingDays
| count
| project-rename c=Count
| extend colums=iff(c=="0","Yes","No")