Persistent Virtual Machines provisioningState "Updating"

Copper Contributor

Hi, I'm trying to use Ansible to manage my Virtual Machine state via Ansible and some unexpected behaviour popped up. The Azure VM provisioningState never changed from "Updating" to "Succeeded" while the VM is running and available. I've validated this by querying the API using the Azure-CLI tool and checking :



> az vm show -g cloudVMrg -n cloudVM |jq '.provisioningState'




After some searching it seems that this state is represented as is registered in Azure for the Virtual Machine. The state value "Updating" seems to me as an intermediate state whereafter Completed  should be set. It seems that this doesn't or didn't happen in my case. The VM is started and available (I can SSH on to the machine) but its provisioningState is still "Updating".


On Azure (see attached images) the changes logged on the VM confirm that the value was changed from "Succeeded" to "Updating" when the VM was changed from deallocated powerState.

Is this a bug? What is a valid less intrusive and sustainable (automatable) workflow to resolve this issue? What is an effective (stateless) way to monitor this?

I've followed this instruction however it doesn't exactly match my case, but it fixed the provisioningState; command ran like 10 minutes. Resolution -

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