Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GuestAgent' and type 'CRPProd'

Copper Contributor

Facing issues with Starting, Rebooting VMs in multiple regions(Americas, Europe, etc.) and even creating new VMs with the below error. 


Failed to start virtual machine 'xxxxxxx'. Error: No version found in the artifact repository that satisfies the requested version '' for VM extension with publisher 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GuestAgent' and type 'CRPProd'.


Tried in different subscriptions and even in different tenants still facing the issue. 


Maybe a bug/outage from Azure end but everything looks fine on .


If you know a workaround please share.

1 Reply



Sorry for the late response , yes it was an  global issue . You can find the informations in the health history of your subscription  with the link :


Summary of Impact: Between 06:27 UTC and 12:42 UTC on 13 Oct 2021, a subset of customers using Windows-based Virtual Machines (Windows VM) may have received failure notifications when performing service management operations - such as start, create, update, delete. Deployments of new VMs and any updates to extensions may have failed. Management operations on Availability Set, Virtual Machine Scale Set were also impacted.

Root Cause: Windows-based Virtual Machines utilize the Windows Virtual Machine Agent (VM Agent) extension, which is used to manage interactions between the Virtual Machine and the Azure Fabric.


When creating and updating Windows VMs, the Compute Resource Provider (CRP) has a dependency upon the Platform Image Repository to retrieve download locations for the latest version of the VM Agent package. Using this information, the VM Agent will update itself to the latest version in the VM.


As part of the journey to move all classic resources to Azure Resource Manager (ARM), we are migrating the image and extension publishers to the regional ARM publishing pipeline. Approximately 20% of all extensions have been successfully migrated.

Mitigation: Determining the root cause took an extended period due to multiple releases for Azure components being in flight simultaneously on the platform, each of which had to be investigated. Additionally, involving subject matter experts (SMEs) for each of the involved components added to this time as we needed to eliminate multiple possible scenarios to ensure we could triage the underlying cause