Check if autoshutdown feature and PIM is enabled for VMs in resource group using powershell/CLI

Brass Contributor

Hi All,


I would like to know how to check if autoshutdown feature and PIM is enabled for VMs in resource group using powershell/CLI.

2 Replies



Hi there is no relationship between autoshutdown which is builtin feature for VMs ( originally for azure dev test labs but now available on the blade of each vm in any type of subscription  ) and PIM wich is about identity management . It's not possible  to use PIM to configure Autoshutdown for VMs .


@Sagar_LadI am not entirely sure if that is 100% do-able, but for auto-shutdown, this should be attainable via the logs analytics for that VM or VMs, you'll probably need to turn on your logs and funnel them through analytics workspace and run queries from there.

PIM is an identity solution which if enabled and the correct assignment is allocated you may log in to your environment AAD, locate its tab and run the built-in queries to verify assignments in your Org.