I want to make a Blazor application that can make video calls

Brass Contributor

I want to make a Blazor application that can make video calls.


However, according to this page: SDKs and REST APIs for Azure Communication Services - An Azure Communication Services concept docume... Azure.Communication.Calling uses "Proprietary transport" and the only example code is the "Azure Communication Calling client library for JavaScript"

29 Replies
Thank you @manoskow-msft

As the Principal Application Architect in a European energy organisation, I have already delayed the use of Azure Communication Services twice in the last 6 months, due to lack of appropropriate integration capability with Blazor Wasm - I simply don't want to ask my development team to code in JavaScript. The lack of such capability will surely delay the uptake within other organisations of such excellent services.

Hi @manoskow-msft I was wondering how the feature is progressing through the backlog? When can we expect to see some working code? Thanks.


Can someone please tell me when the Azure Communication Services video calling for web SDK will be available to support C#?

Hey @WaltDog - thanks for following up. After initial investigations there are other priorities that we are going to invest in first at this time. We appreciate really appreciate your feedback on this - if things change I will definitely update this thread.

Hey @WalterLockhart - thanks for reaching out here again - I don't have a good answer for you since this feature isn't currently being worked on. I'll update this thread if things change - regardless we really appreciate you participating in the forum and providing us valuable feedback!

@manoskow-msft any update on this? I'm still disappointed.
Any update now? Thank you.
Where we at with this? Javascript stinks. where's the ACS Blazor C# SDK??? thanks.