Geospatial application

Copper Contributor


I need to architect geo application. But I do not have enough background in that area ,but Azure I know well.

We have raw application/python scripts  which get data in files and create output with geopackages (.gpkg). 

The users use this raw files by converting this info in QGIS project and then QGIS desktop application.

Now I need to architect it for web to replace this QGIS desktop. First challenge is how I can store the cotents of .gpkg in some database probably PostGIS? How I can do it ,is this done by ADF? If yes can somebody guide me . Basically question is .gpkg to database especially postgis DB. I know there is some command it does. But I need some scalable application which I can port as service in Azure.   


1 Reply
Dear dannybhar,

Not an expert but it was an interesting question, so I did some digging.

To store the contents of .gpkg files in a database, you can use PostGIS, an open-source spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. Azure provides a managed PostgreSQL service called Azure Database for PostgreSQL, which you can use to host your PostGIS database.

To migrate your data from .gpkg files to PostGIS, you can use a data integration tool like Azure Data Factory (ADF). ADF is a cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create data pipelines to move and transform data between various sources and destinations, including databases.

To use ADF for this scenario, you would need to create a pipeline that reads the .gpkg files from their source location and then writes the data to your PostGIS database. You can use the Copy Data activity in ADF to copy the data from the .gpkg files to PostGIS.

Once your data is in PostGIS, you can build a web application to serve the data to your users. You can use Azure App Service to host your web application and Azure Maps to display your geospatial data.

It seems like a rather complicated process, but I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Luke Madden