MMA has not been installed error

Copper Contributor

I have Arc enabled an on-premises SQL Server and when I go into the environment health it tells me that MMA has not been installed. It HAS been installed on the box and the appropriate extension has been added (as far as I know). What am I missing? Please see attached doc for screenshots. 

3 Replies

@SQLScott_1 OK, surprisingly, when I went back a few hours later, it shows that the extension was installed. Does it just take a while (in this case, about 12 hours) to get it to "sync"? I really didn't change anything other than creating an automation account.



Like you @SQLScott_1 I have noticed that patience is required with some of the extensions for hybrid deployments. It is the same for AUM status and patching. I don't tend to worry for 12 hours and only get concerned after 24 hours.



@Paul Bendall Thank you Paul, greatly appreciated.