Starting the work day can be second nature.

Community Manager

Starting the work day can be a long-term habit and ritual for many of us. 

For me, I take a moment to browse and read the blog posts that had published overnight while I drink my first iced coffee. I've found this really helps me center my day, while keeping as well informed as I can be for all things Tech Community!

How do you like to start your work day? What are some of your longest formed habits? 

7 Replies
I typically check my work email and Teams email in bed on my phone as I am waking up, in addition to some personal sites and email addresses.

I also like to start the day with the easiest or most repetitive tasks and save more involved/difficult stuff for when I'm more fully awake.
I also check my Teams and email while still in bed!
Right before I start working, I decide if they day will be a listen to a podcast, music or news day. I have to space out the news days, and usually go with podcasts in the morning.
If I've made an AFK post or commented on one recently, I usually check that first since it's fun, and then check on any blogs that have recently published. Then I head over to social and get started on new posts.
Also, lots of coffee.
I, too, start my day by checking personal email/stuffs as well as work email in bed as it helps me wake up slowly. After getting ready, I make coffee, because no coffee = no worky (productivity wise). Then I head over to my desk, turn on some lofi music (sometimes new age or classical) while I respond to emails/chats, and I plan out my day based on tasks and when they're due.
To drink coffee early in the morning Reading some books is very nice
Великолепно, Дилан Снодграсс! Я, например, не могу начинать мой день в постели. После утренних процедур, я включаю пк и также смотрю мою почту. Затем я проверяю телефон и доделываю то, что не смогла сделать вчера. Работаю за пк весь день и параллельно отвечаю в телефоне пользователям в мессенджерах. Переключаюсь с одной задачи на другую под легкую музыку... Я согласна с вами, уважаемый Дилан Снодграсс, что начало рабочего дня может быть второй натурой.