Roadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge

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Update - March 1st, 2021: We've published an updated version of this roadmap. Check out Aditi's update over here, and we encourage you to continue to drop your PDF reader feedback into the comments of that post!


Over the course of last year, we worked hard on building a powerful PDF reader that fulfils the needs of compatibility, reliability and security for you and your organization.

The feedback we received from you with the Edge Insider builds has been really encouraging, and here are some of the most asked features that are available today, across Windows and Mac:

  • Create highlights with Highlight mode: Draw attention to parts of the PDF that you find interesting with Highlights. With Highlight mode, you can now create highlights directly by selecting text, as you would do with a highlighter and paper.
  • Fill PDF forms
  • Ink on PDF files with colors and stroke width of your choice
  • View PDFs in Dark mode
  • Open Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Information Rights Management (IRM) protected PDF and view permissions
  • Accessibility support including keyboard accessibility, screen reader support, and capability to view PDFs in high contrast mode
  • Read Aloud

Here are the features we’re currently working on:

  • Smoother scroll experience: We are bringing the smooth scroll of Legacy Edge to the modern browser. (Edge 086: In Canary, Dev, and Beta today)
  • Table of Contents: You will soon be able to view the contents of PDF files and navigate through the file with the same. (Edge 086: In Canary, Dev, and Beta today)
  • Text notes: With this, you will be able to add their own notes to text in PDF files. These notes will travel with the PDF.
  • Protected PDF files: Microsoft Information Protection adds a layer of security to your documents. It ensures that only the users who have certain permissions as view, copy, annotate can take those actions on the file. Hence, no matter where the document goes, the data of your organization remains secure.
    • Viewing labels of protected files: You will soon be able to view the sensitivity labels
    • Viewing MIP files protected in other tenants: This will enable you to view the files protected in other organizations, or in other tenants in the organization.
  • Digital signatures: View and validate certificate based Digital signatures on signed files.
  • Accessibility improvements: With this, you will be able to fill PDF forms using screen readers, and navigate through PDF documents using caret mode.

We are actively looking at feedback from you about the features you find important.

Please feel free to comment below, or submit detailed feedback through the browser (Shift+Alt+I).

194 Replies



Great job on the smooth scrolling and table of contents features.


A couple of requests from a research scientist (lots of longish scientific PDFs to read/annotate).


  • 2 page side view is key for us (I know it's on the roadmap. Thanks!). 
  • back/forward buttons to navigate internal hyperlinks.

    Usual use-case: a hyperlink reference in the text which takes you to the bibliography in the back. There is now no way to go back to the position of the original link short of searchign the text. 
  • Saving of position of last view when you go back to the document, at least inside of the same session
    Currently: if you click on an external hyperlink and you go back, you lose your position inside the PDF.


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It's a great news Edge support navigate PDF by bookmarks.

Maybe create bookmarks by Edge is in plan? If does, Edge can almost replace my PDF readers.

@Aditi_Gangwar appreciate what you are doing for PDF reader.

One suggestion is that could you add back single page mode (non-scroll) and two-page mode which are supported in the old Edge?

They're important functionalities to me which block me from migrating to the new Edge as the main browser.


@marcosbarreto highlighting with pen is shipping in Edge version 86. Please to check it out. Already available in Beta. 

@Aditi_Gangwar thank you for prioritizing the Table of Contents feature - when will this be available? This update was posted in June - so December 2020?

If you really do promise everything in Edge that we are asking for, I think the edge will be better the google Chrome. People don't understand how much edge is growing. People don't like edge because they are now providing feedback on how to improve. If you want features that are not currently in edge, submit feedback, and get your voice heard. The chances are that other have the same ideas.

Can we get the ability to add custom colors via Hex or RG or some sort rather than the limited selection of colors?
Can you add this to the Top Feedback Page so that we can see then you are actively working on these features?

@Aditi_Gangwar please advise the Microsoft Dev team to not 'force' us to update to a newer version of Edge when all of the old functionalities are not integrated. The edge pdf viewer was your core capability and differentiator when it came reading, highlighting and making notes on documents. Now, I can't even downgrade to the previous edge without going through sketchy channels. Offering a new product to market without the core features it was built upon and which users embraced is a serious mistake. Please make management aware and remind them to go back to the drawing board when identifying 'jobs to be done' of your typical user

@Aditi_Gangwar What about support for XFA-based PDF (see


We have a couple of such PDF with XFA-based forms in our company and users always receive this message when opening PDF in internal PDF viewer:





Alright, I have just noticed that XFA is basically deprecated since 2017 in PDF 2.0 standard (

@Aditi_Gangwar The ability to highlight not only text but Scanned PDF's.

"View PDFs in Dark mode"
You can mention to me how I can see my pdfs in dark mode that I am looking for and cannot find the option so far. Thanks.

@Aditi_Gangwar Rendering in PDFs is rough, with the freshly scrolled area being left blank for a while before it gets rendered. It is not smooth while scrolling. Any plans to address this issue?

Here is a gif showing the issue, uploaded by another insider: Re: PDF scrolling takes long to render new part. They are left blank and then updated. - Microsoft T...

This is great to hear and I will look forward to seeing finished product. In past filling out a PDF form was dreadful though it was supposed to be easy. Just controlling the field you were in was a pain.  Trying to sign was like signing with someone elses hand, and never readable or like a real signature!!! This is an area that definitely needs help!! 



Hi Aditi, thank you for the update.
Personally, I have been wishing for years that a PDF viewer would save and restore the last position like a web page's position would be. Currently, I have to remember the page number every time to return to the same place! Not ideal 🙂

Also, if it is possible, could the default white background and text colour be optionally modified like the immersive reader colour schemes, to make it easier on the eyes to read long texts?



Hi Aditi


When opening a proteced PDF file (MIP) is it possible, not only show the permissions but also the name of the label


With kind regards



I like the new add notes feature to Edge Dev PDF. I just want it to automatically suggest me to add notes whenever I highlight a part of text in a PDF file and doesn't require me to right-click. just like Edge legacy.








@HotCakeX Cool feature, I like it! Useful for school/work