provisioning a SCIM endpoint fails on AzureAD testing account

Copper Contributor

Hello everybody,


I would like to check whether our SCIM endpoint works with AzureAD. For that I have set up a developer account and opened a testing company. We already tested against a environment a week or so ago and found some problems with our endpoint that we fixed. Now, I wanted to test against a new environment that we set up specifically for SCIM testing. Unfortunately, when provisioning the new application I get a less helpful error message then before when testing the connection.

I would love it if you could get me some insight into what might be wrong here. In our logging, I don't see any connection coming from AzureAD.

 this is the error that I get in the AzureAD admin center:


Error code: SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagementCredentialValidationUnavailable
Details: We received this unexpected response from your application: Message: An error occurred while sending the request. Please check the service and try again.
Request-id: 2ff588ba-441d-4204-8d30-0915f08c23d8
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