Aug 30 2024 10:21 AM - edited Aug 30 2024 12:58 PM
Hey guys, i am new to azure functions. Maybe one expert can have a quick look at the code and give me some advice, since I really dont know whats going on. I want to use a simple durable function whith python v2 in vs code.
I have the azure extensions, Azure functions core tools, etc. installed. I find it hard to read the documentation, I am missing more examples and explanations. I wrote the following example of reading a book.
The Skript ist starting and I get logs, but it doesnt work as planed. The orchestrator function does start again at the top (not in the while loop).
How it should work:
http_start trigger: Starts the orchestrator function
orchestrator function: Manages the book reading process
activity function: flips the page
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
import logging.config
import logging
app = df.DFApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)
def orchestrator_reading_a_book(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext):
x = None
book = "Example_book"
page = 1
logging.warning(f'Your Book: {book} at page {page}')
while page < 4:
x = yield context.call_activity("flip_page", {
"book": book,
"page": page,
book = x.get("book")
page = x.get("page")
logging.warning(f'Your Book: {book} at page {page}')
logging.warning("You finished reading the book")
return("You finished reading the book")
def flip_page(context):
if context:
book = context["book"]
page = context["page"]
page += 1
logging.warning(f"You flipped the page to page {page}")
return {"book": book, "page": page}
# An HTTP-triggered function with a Durable Functions client binding
async def http_start(req: func.HttpRequest, client):
function_name = req.route_params.get('functionName')
instance_id = await client.start_new(function_name)
response = client.create_check_status_response(req, instance_id)
return response
Thanks for the help in advance!
Best regards!
Sep 01 2024 05:31 PM
How about below? Please make sure you understand before apply:
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
import logging
app = df.DFApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)
def orchestrator_reading_a_book(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext):
book = "Example_book"
page = context.get_input() or 1 # Get the initial page or start from 1
logging.warning(f'Your Book: {book} at page {page}')
while page < 4:
result = yield context.call_activity("flip_page", {
"book": book,
"page": page,
book = result.get("book")
page = result.get("page")
logging.warning(f'Your Book: {book} at page {page}')
logging.warning("You finished reading the book")
return "You finished reading the book"
def flip_page(context):
if context:
book = context["book"]
page = context["page"]
page += 1
logging.warning(f"You flipped the page to page {page}")
return {"book": book, "page": page}
# An HTTP-triggered function with a Durable Functions client binding
async def http_start(req: func.HttpRequest, client):
function_name = req.route_params.get('functionName')
instance_id = await client.start_new(function_name)
response = client.create_check_status_response(req, instance_id)
return response