Introducing Code-to-Cloud with Azure Portal, get your apps in the cloud fast and easy
Published May 23 2023 10:30 AM 8,286 Views

We are excited to announce Code-to-Cloud (preview), one of the fastest and easiest way to deploy and manage your web apps on Azure. Code-to-Cloud is a portal-based experience that takes an app-first approach to building, deploying, and running your apps. Code-to-Cloud makes it easier for developers to get started using Azure, without needing to be an expert on the hundreds of different cloud services. 


Detect the right Azure services from your repository


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Code-to-Cloud lets you connect your GitHub repositories to Azure, and through analysis of the code inside your GitHub repository, suggests the correct Azure services you should use. Once you deploy, GitHub Actions is used to create a continuous deployment pipeline between your repositories and your newly provisioned cloud services. Once you've deployed your app via Code-to-Cloud, changes to your code will immediately be pushed to your connected Azure services. 


Bring your own repository or start from a template


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Code-to-Cloud also provides sample templates, powered by Azure Developer CLI, that provide a helpful blueprint for getting started with Azure. You can use these templates to immediately create a GitHub repository, connect it to Azure, and provision a distinct set of services for the template scenario. Our templates include sample static websites, web apps, and APIs, in a variety of different languages.


Manage your app in a consolidated view


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In addition to making it easier and faster to get started developing, Code-to-Cloud also provides a simplified, app-centric management experience. A "Space" is a loose collection of cloud services that, collectively, comprise the app you are building. You can manage your compute, database, caching, and other key services all within the same, easy-to-use management experience.


To get started immediately, you can check out Code-to-Cloud here. You can also read our documentation to get a better look at what Code-to-Cloud can do for you.


Version history
Last update:
‎May 24 2023 06:28 PM
Updated by: