Feb 14 2022 04:54 AM
I have a "traditional" xamarin.android app that uses a lot of custom external libraries all with .NET standard 2.1 as target framework. I already have migrated my xamarin droid project to use only androidX libraries, and it currently has Android 11 as target and compile framework, so now I just want to migrate all the libraries from .NET standard to NET6.0.
If I simply change the target framework of my libraries I receveing an error telling that:
Project 'xxx.csproj' targets 'net6.0'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v11.0'.
So, I'm trying to understand what are the right steps to support the latest NET framework in my app. What should have I to do? Migrate all my Droid projects to NET6, and if yes, how?
I'm unable to find official neither unofficial documentation about this.
Feb 17 2022 12:24 AM
Hi @Fjacko ,
Thanks for posting your issue here.However this platform is used for how-to discussions and sharing best practices for building any app with .NET.Since your issue is a technical question, welcome to post it in Microsoft Q&A forum, the support team and communities on Microsoft Q&A will help you for any technical questions.
Besides, it will be appreciated if you can share it here once you post this technical question Microsoft Q&A.
Best Regards,
Lan Huang
Feb 20 2022 11:52 PM
@LanHuang thank you for your reply, I just created a new question in Microsoft Q&A forum, have a nice day!