"VIew Report" button is missing on Store Certification Upload status(Certification Status)

Copper Contributor

After my last application upload to Store Certification, i got that Certification process has failed. 

The parter page tells to click on button "View Report", but theres no button on page.


I know that page has new stuff, so i think something is missing on it.


Does anyone have experience something similar? How should I proceed? I am currently unable to access the report to find out what is wrong with the submission/application.


As the help pages says, this button should be around here:





Thanks in advance,


1 Reply

@arttistachannel I would submit a support ticket for this. 


I'm also moving your post to our partner-let tech topics and questions board in hopes another partner has faced the same issue and care share some insight.


Thanks for being part of the community! -jill