
Brass Contributor
13 Replies

the only thing i can think about is caching but i guess you already tried that one.


Hi Ric,


cache= http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/browser-cache-makeuseof-explains/

you could try the incognito version of your browser. to check if it shows Correct.







Hi Ric,


this seems to be a bug i would report it to MS via Service Request.






Lets log the MS ticket and get the immediate updates.. Post the updates.

Aside from the foreign language?  Why is this message appearing anyway.  I'm getting the same message in my Admin Portal.

I have seen this recently too...some Dutch words on the Message Center...very weird since the default language for my user is Spanish

I think they are doing a lot of work at the backend switching resource files etc. 





I've seen problems like this before, they went away after 1 or 2 days.