When I use linked table manager to Reconnect tables VIEW-SQL the Key deleted -How to solve this pro

Copper Contributor

When I use linked table manager to Reconnect tables VIEW-SQL the Key deleted -How to solve this problem?? in ms access 2019 (365)


When I use linked table manager to  Reconnect tables VIEW the  Key deleted --  in  ms access 2019  (365)


for example

dbo_movment         (SQL )

The problem is only in VIEW

in Another table (SQL )  has no problem

Previous versions of Access had no problem

The problem is only in the 2019 access

It's a serious problem - that doesn't allow me to work  With Access 2019
The issue is also in the version  64BIT and also  In  version  32BIT



4 Replies



I was waiting for a new version
And yet the problem is not solved




I have Access 2019 installed. I do not experience this problem with relinking views. If the view has a unique identifier candidate without having a Primary Key designated in SQL Server, Access does ask you to specify which field to use. And subsequent re-linking does retain that.


I suspect if you don't designate the Primary Key for a newly linked view, of course, that subsequent relinking will not automatically "find" one and won't ask again for you to designate it.


Try this. Delete the linked view(s) from Access and go through the original linking process again. This time take care to designate the Primary Key, or unique identifier, for each view during that original linking process. Then verify whether subsequent relinking retains or loses those Primary Keys.

@George_Hepworth Follow up. If you use the option to refresh the link from the right-click menu in the Navigation Pane, you should be asked to designate the PK if there isn't one already designated.
