Report with different shapes for different data

Copper Contributor



I've created a simple database system for hazard information in my workspace and now i need to create reports.

In my system I have five color coded types of hazard and three degrees of it: small, medium and large. In Access report tool is it possible to make shapes which formatting represent the degree of risk (a small circle for small risk and so on) and it's corresponding color?


Thanks in advance!

2 Replies



The short answer is yes. The long answer is that it will involve VBA and some well-planned algorithms. 

You might start by watching this video of a presentation to my Access User Group a few months ago, in which Crystal Long showed us how she "draws" on reports, much like you want to do. I don't know that it has enough code examples to make it replicable, but you should be able follow up on what she presented and get further insights from her website.

Thank you for the input! Since I'm not familiar with VBA, I'll try a Power BI solution first, which seems to be more "codeless" to me.