Pictures are not displayed in report

Copper Contributor


I have a serious problem in Access 2016. Our database is running on multiple machines. Most access databases are running without any problems but some access databases do not display the product pictures in reports (jpg format). The strange thing is that the pictures are displayed correctly within the forms. The pictures are not embedded but shown as link. Any ideas how to fix this?


3 Replies

@water645 Please clarify.


"...database is running ... "


"...Most access databases are running ..."


Is this problem showing up in one COPY of the same database on different computers or different databases on the same computer or different databases on different computers?


@water645 Probably you don't have access/permisision to the specific images...create a blank report and check if it displays the image/s.

If you have just a few images you can embed them using my article :

@tsgiannis Maybe I misinterpreted this line in the OP's question: "The strange thing is that the pictures are displayed correctly within the forms." I thought that meant the images are available as required but only show up in forms, not reports. Is there a reason why users would have permission to show them on a form but not on a report?