Next Meeting for Access Lunchtime User Group


Access Lunchtime – Translation Tools in Microsoft Access​

Tuesday, 31st Jan at 18:00 UK time (UTC) or 12 noon CDT (UTC-6). The session will last about one hour

Join us when Colin Riddington, Mendip Data Systems,, Microsoft MVP 2022, will be our presenter.
In the first half of this session, Colin will demonstrate a practical use of both Google Translate and Text to Speech in Access.

Text may be entered in (and translated to) any supported language (109 in total). There is a limit of around 9800 characters for the translation feature.

In addition, the text may be spoken using any installed voice for that language. Currently, voices are available for up to 35 languages in Windows 10. If no dedicated voice is available, an alternative voice is offered depending on the language used.
NOTE: A registry fix is needed to activate some voices. This will be explained during the session.

Colin will use the remainder of the session to demonstrate his application translator utility which is due for release during February 2023.
The utility translates all captions and control tip text on both forms and reports into any other supported language. None of the data is altered.
It is also possible to translate message boxes, input boxes and status bar text.

The utility will allow developers to modify an application for clients whose native language is different. The process is very fast and reliable.
However, the translation should always be checked by a native speaker before releasing it to clients.

The meeting will be hosted on Zoom

If prompted, use
Meeting ID: 912 8399 7040
Passcode: 245440

Maria Barnes
Chapter President

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