Jun 23 2023 07:45 AM
After the update to Microsoft Access a bit over a week ago (today is 6/23/23). I can see from (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-microsoft365-apps-by-date) that Microsoft posted an update around this time. Since then when opening a database we've used for several years, it throws errors in VBA citing a null value for that object's variable. I pulled a copy of the database from several weeks ago and opened it - same behavior. This recent update to Microsoft's program seems to be enforcing some new settings (security related? ). Is there a way to relax this so that null value checking, etc.. that is now stopping functionality is no longer strictly enforced? There have been no changes to this access database in a long time. I'm hoping there's a registry key that can be set to relax this new behavior. Anybody in the know, please advise. Thanks.
Jun 23 2023 08:29 AM - edited Jun 23 2023 08:34 AM
So far I have not seen any other reports of such a problem with this build.
Can you show a code example where the error occurs and provide the error number and the exact message?
Optimally, you could create a small sample database with the reproducible error and upload it somewhere. Then we could check it and if "successful" provide it to the Access team at Microsoft.
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Jun 23 2023 12:58 PM
Jun 23 2023 02:22 PM
@Karl_Donaubauer thank you for the response. Most of the data base works like it should but it is unusable with the errors we are getting. The first example listed below is an invalid use of null.
The second example is an (action was cancelled) error. These errors occur in different parts of the program after hitting different buttons.
The third example says method or data member not found.
I hope this helps detail the problem.
Jun 28 2023 09:54 AM
It is difficult to figure out what is happening from a distance and from your examples, because they seem to have little to do with each other. In example 2, we don't see why opening the report is cancelled. That could e.g. be due to code in the open event.
What strikes me about examples 1 and 3 is the way the field/control names are specified. I have sometimes seen and read that after some unknown change to Access installations or applications, referencing them as a property with the dot no longer worked. In these cases the error message in example 3 then was the usual one.
You could try if it changes sth when you use this in example 1:
Me!txt_Cust_Name = Me!cbo_DeliveryID.Column(2)
i.e. always specify "Me" and replace the dots by bangs.
You can try the same in example 3 and eventual code in the Open procedure of the report.
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Jun 29 2023 03:25 AM
Have a look at Shane Groff's reply yesterday in the comments to the latest bug fix article. This could be the reason why unhandled errors come up in the latest versions of Access.
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