Intergrating other storage services into Access

Copper Contributor


I have files that are on other items like audio files that I need to add to Access from other programs such as Egnyte, Google Doc, and One Drive. I would like to know if I can integrate all of those files into Access and if I can then access them while on the go. 

2 Replies
Can you define "on the go" in more technical terms?
If you can map those locations as mapped drives, you should be able to refer to them from your Windows computer, which I assume would be a laptop.
Do you mean you want to store those files in an Access database so you can use them while you don't have an internet connection?
If so, the answer is "not a good idea". Files are large, and an Access db is only 2 GB max.
Why can't you store the files in a folder on your C-drive? That's what most people would do.