From Works 7.0 to Access

Copper Contributor

Unfortunately I had to reinstall Windows 10 64 bit. Thereby I lost Works which can't be reinstalled without Internet Explorer 6. Before that, Works was running without problems. I still have Works on an old PC (Windows XP) and the original installation CD.


I had 2 simple but important database files (WDB). Works had some functions that I can't find in Access. 


All data can be listed in Excel spreadsheet (no formulas etc.), but the columns are too many and too wide to be printed on one page even when downscaled. In Works you can design your print to split each row into several rows under each other. Is that possible in Access? All fields contain simple information without any relations.


In Works database you can mark individual rows and print a list of only the selected rows.  Is that possible in Access?

1 Reply
Short Answer:
MS Access is much more powerful that Works, so it's fairly certain you can do what you need to do.

MS Access has many tools, including a report designer. Reports are VERY powerful and flexible. I would imagine that you can create a report that does what you want, but the specifics depend on details we don't have to hand.

In Access, you create filtered queries to select sets of records. That's how you'll accomplish the second task. Specifics, again, depend on more details....