Oct 19 2020 01:57 PM - edited Oct 19 2020 01:58 PM
I found quite easily how to fill in fields from a Combo box in a form, but I can't seem to do the same in a table. I would simply like fields in my table to be filled in automatically following a selection from a dropdown list of an external table with several columns (fields).
See attached image.
Oct 20 2020 11:48 PM
You could do this with a data macro in the concerning table. For instance a Before Change data macro that uses the LookUpRecord and the SetField actions to get and fill the appropriate values. This link should get you started: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-data-macro-b1b94bca-4f17-47ad-a66d-f296ef834200
Oct 21 2020 06:58 AM
Oct 22 2020 08:50 AM
Oct 22 2020 09:26 AM
HI Daniel,
If for exemple I have a Time sheet form with Date, Shift (AM/PM) and supervisor name as fields. And I have a subform for entering employees for the shift with only dropdowns and checkbox. Would this be ok or you would still suggest to go with form fields?
Oct 22 2020 10:06 AM
Also, if I go with form fields for entering the employee, does it mean I have to create a limited amount of lines to enter employees? And will I be able to use the Count function to get how many employees were booked on the shift?