Feb 17 2023 03:13 AM
I have a function that worked correctly when running the mdb under Access 2010, but it no longer works under Access 2019. In addition, the vba is ignoring the Stop command.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub cmdExportDoctorListByFax_Click()
'Create the export file
If MsgBox("This function will export a list of all doctors that have a fax number to " & "C:\PremiersDoctorListByFax" & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & ".txt" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you wish to perform the Export?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1) = vbYes Then
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "qryExportDoctorsInfoBasedOnFax", "C:\PremiersDoctorListByFax" & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & ".txt", False
MsgBox "The number " & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & " that is appended to the name PremiersDoctorsListByFax, stands for the current date and time!"
End If
End Sub
Feb 18 2023 12:34 PM - edited Feb 18 2023 12:34 PM
> DoCmd.TransferText not working in Access 2019 and neither is Stop command
How does the not-working manifest itself?
Regarding Stop:
Do you by chance have deactivated the Access option "Use special keys"? If yes, that ignorance of Stop and break points is "normal", i.e. a bug for decades.
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Feb 19 2023 05:54 PM
Feb 22 2023 02:19 PM