Jan 17 2023 05:56 PM
In my Access Database Properties Sheet, on the 'Statistics' TAB, there are 3 filed that are not populated, and I'm not sure why. The Fields are "Last Saved By", "Revision Number", "Total Editing Time". It is the 'Revision Number' that most interests me, as I want to display this 'property' on ALL my Forms in the Footer. Can you please suggest why this may be occurring?
Jan 18 2023 12:23 AM
Jan 18 2023 05:36 AM
Interesting. I don't ever remember giving that tab more than a passing glance. It's hard to imagine how one would calculate the total editing time, but it should be possible to write a small function to update the revision number when you decide to change it.
Those properties are somewhat useless unless you write code to manage them yourself. It'll take some additional research on that, but as Arnel said, you can do that with custom VBA. How much effort you put into that, of course, depends on how much value added you believe they will be to your users.
Search for examples of adding custom database properties and managing them.
Jan 25 2023 09:31 PM
Jan 25 2023 09:34 PM
Jan 26 2023 06:04 AM