Between formula

Steel Contributor

Hello Experts,


I am trying to add a between condition to the following. 

Rate2: Format(DLookUp("Rate","qryPricing","ID=" & [ProjID] & "[dte] between [DateStart] and [DateEnd]"),"Percent")


I know there is something wrong with the syntax after the & sign but I cant figure it out. 

In English, I am looking for the qryPricing.[rate] on [projID] where [dte] is between qryPricing.[DateStart] and qryPricing.[DateEnd]


Note: qryPricing is not in the query. The [DateStart] and [DateEnd] are both in qrypricing.




thank you very much.

Let me know if there are any questions. 

3 Replies
Which table does [dte] belongs? maybe:

Rate2: Format(DLookUp("Rate","qryPricing","ID=" & [ProjID] & " And " & [dte] & " between [DateStart] and [DateEnd]"),"Percent")


HI Arnel,

[dte] is tblLetterOfCredit.UltimateExpirey (it does have an IIF statement if that matters)  

SELECT tblLetterOfCredit.LCID, DateSerial([y],[m],Day([UltimateExpirey])) AS dte
FROM tblLetterOfCredit, zzTblMonths, zzTblYears
WHERE (((DateSerial([y],[m],Day([UltimateExpirey]))) Between IIf([DateOfIssue] Is Null,[ExpectedDateOfIssue],[DateOfIssue]) And [UltimateExpirey]) AND ((tblLetterOfCredit.UltimateExpirey) Is Not Null))

ORDER BY tblLetterOfCredit.LCID, DateSerial([y],[m],Day([UltimateExpirey]));


here is a screen shot of the above SQL:



FYI:  the dlookup did not return anything but NULL. 

Let me know what is next.  

HI Arnel, just checking in with you. Let me know if you have another suggestion. Looking forward to your response.