May 28 2023 11:15 AM
Hello Experts,
Can I add another WHERE condition to the below? The first one works (single WHERE condition) but I need to add the additional WHERE condition for ProjID = ProjID but I get a datatype mismatch in criteria or expression.
Rate: (SELECT TOP 1 Rate FROM qrypricing WHERE [DateEnd] >= fnLastDate([dte]) ORDER BY [DateEnd])
below is my modification:
Rate: (SELECT TOP 1 Rate FROM qrypricing WHERE [DateEnd] >= fnLastDate([dte] & ProjID = ProjID) ORDER BY [DateEnd])
thank you
May 29 2023 12:00 PM - edited May 29 2023 12:01 PM
SolutionThe ampersand is the concatenation operator.
You need to spell out the word "and" to include a second criteria.
Context is also important. It's not clear where this SQL appears, and if the two criteria are intended to be form control references.
May 29 2023 06:39 PM
Hi George, thanks for the response. I wasnt expecting this question to go very far. I did end up using "AND" i/o "&" in the TOP 1 query (after [dte]: and projid=projid ) in blue below but it still didnt seem to work. I didnt get an error or syntax but it didnt return the correct rate for projID.
The below Dlookup (by Harun in the link to the question below) is a possible workaround of the TOP 1 method (by Arnel, that I dont understand well enough how to modify it).
Does the between statement look ok? I get a msgbox on DateStart but I confirmed its the field name on qryPricing so not sure if there is something wrong with the between statement. Maybe there is a better way to write it.
feetest: Nz(DLookUp("[Rate]","[qryPricing]","[ProjID]=" & [ProjID] And [DateOfIssue] Between [DateStart] And [DateEnd]))
this question is a continuation of:
the below could probably be ignored since I dont understand it well.
Dlookup a Rate based on Dates - Microsoft Community Hub
What I need to do is somehow modify the below for [ProjID]. What I have below works but I have added other projects to the db and I now need that flexibility instead of just 1 project.
here is the query in full:
SELECT [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].LCID, [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].dte, Format(Nz(DSum("Amends","1_qryTotalAmends","LetterOfCreditID=" & [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].[LCID] & " And [DateAmendSentToBank] <= #" & Format$([dte],"mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"),0),"Currency") AS Amt, tblProjectNames.ProjName, tblCompanies.CompanyName, tblLetterOfCredit.LCNo, tblProjects.ProjID, tblLetterOfCredit.LCName, tblLetterOfCredit.ExpiredYN, Format((SELECT TOP 1 Rate FROM qrypricing WHERE [DateEnd] >= fnLastDate([dte]) ORDER BY [DateEnd]),".00000") AS Rate, [amt]*([Rate]*30/360) AS Fee
FROM tblProjectNames INNER JOIN (((tblProjects INNER JOIN tblLetterOfCredit ON tblProjects.ProjID = tblLetterOfCredit.ProjIDfk) INNER JOIN tblCompanies ON tblLetterOfCredit.Beneficiary = tblCompanies.CoID) INNER JOIN 2_qryDaysActiveNotActive ON tblLetterOfCredit.LCID = [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].LCID) ON tblProjectNames.IDProjName = tblProjects.ProjectName
WHERE (((tblLetterOfCredit.ExpiredYN)<>"Terminated"))
ORDER BY [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].LCID, [2_qryDaysActiveNotActive].dte;
this is the fnLastDate
Public Function fnLastDate(ByVal sDate) As Date
' arnelgp, used in frmPricing
' note:
' sDate is in format YYYY-MM
Dim dte As Date
' get the first date
dte = CDate(sDate & "-01")
' get the last date
fnLastDate = DateSerial(Year(dte), Month(dte) + 1, 0)
End Function
May 29 2023 12:00 PM - edited May 29 2023 12:01 PM
SolutionThe ampersand is the concatenation operator.
You need to spell out the word "and" to include a second criteria.
Context is also important. It's not clear where this SQL appears, and if the two criteria are intended to be form control references.