Access trying to resize a section to view all tabs

Copper Contributor

I have an access database that has a form with a section named "Main Switchboard". My problem is not all of the tabs in the index section appear in the window. No matter what I have done I cannot see the bottom 2 options. For example when I select "Index 1" The last two items which I cannot see should be "Honorary Paid for Life" and "Return to Switchboard. I have attached 2 photos of the Main switchboard and Index 1 for your to see.

I am not that good at programming so I need the response to be detailed as to where I go and what I need to change so I can get the last 2 items to appear. I have looked at indexes 2 and 3 and have the same problem. Index 4 and open update are ok as they only have 2 or 3 items.

Thank you for any help you can give me and again please be as detailed as possible.PXL_20220511_174545918.jpgPXL_20220511_174602341.jpgPXL_20220511_174545918.jpg

2 Replies
is your form a Single form?
you need to adjust your controls positions.
starting with the "black" line and all the controls below it, select them and move them
down, so that there will be much space on top for all your menu items to show.

It took some work but everything is now viewable on the window.

I want to thank you very much for your quick response and suggestions.