Access not printing image on every page

Copper Contributor

I have a paper form that I scanned in and created a .bmp file. I put that file into the Picture property or my report and set the Picture Type to Embedded. I then laid my data fields on top of the appropriate areas on the report.

When I go to print preview, every page has the data in the proper place, but the image shows up on every other page, so that pages 2,4,6 etc. only have the data fields. How do I get the image to print on every page?

3 Replies
if you go to Layout view of your report, you will see that your report "exceeds" the limit of your paper size.
try to compress every control to the page width limit either by resizing the controls or moving them to the left.

@arnel_gp Thanks for the response.  I looked at that, and the layout view does not indicate that I am overflowing anywhere.  


I've found a workaround, but I hate kluge code.  I really would like to find a solution.  This is frustrating!


This behavior results from the large size of the files being loaded into the image control at runtime. Your files are not excessively large by current DSLR standards, but if you are printing the images at a relatively small size in the reports then you can probably reduce the resolution quite substantially without any loss of quality in the report. Any decent image management software should provide the means of saving images at a lower resolution. I'd try about 1MB per file to start with.

J Wick