Access Database - Reports are corrupted

Brass Contributor

Hey Experts,

I am not able to open the Access database file. Can you guys please help me?

13 Replies
Please share the exact error message that you are getting.

@Robin Shanab 

here is the error message. 

Try Compact and Repair and share the result.
I am not able to open the file. How can I run compact and repair?



I'm not sure why you have "reports are corrupted" in the subject if you can't even open the complete database. However, the most common cause of this error message in the last 3.5 years is the MONSTER bug for which you can find the workaround here.


Access DevCon:
Access FAQ:

I have 1 table and many reports in the DB. That's why I choose the title. Let me check the workaround, and I hope it will work for me.
thnx @Karl

If that doesn't solve it, try decompiling your database to remove any corruption in compilation code. See

In fact, I would try that first. It will only take a couple of seconds to do.

Thank you so much to all the experts who replied here.
@Karl and @robin
the db is already corrupt, so Don't ever try decompiling!
it will do much damage than good.

you need to re-instate your backup db.
Any kind or repair carries a risk including compacting and decompiling. For that reason you should ALWAYS make a backup first.
However, I totally disagree with the comment that decompiling 'will do more damage than good'.

Decompiling will remove any corruption in your compilation code.
If that was the problem, it will be successful ...
...or if there is a different problem then it will have no effect
Aside from making backups multiple times a day (I don't trust computers!), you could try creating a brand-new, empty MS Access ACCDB file and importing all your objects into it. I do that a few times a year with all my critical databases just to be sure no weirdness has crept in. Remember, MS Access applications are actually big ol' containers full of lots of different types of objects (forms, reports, tables, modules, etc). One bad bit in the container itself can make all your objects go bye-bye. I love working with Access, but I've learned not to trust it!
Whilst that's another tool in any developers' arsenal, do bear in mind that its possible for problems in the original database to get transferred into the new database. I know as I've had that happen. For that reason, I would still suggest decompiling before importing into a clean database
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