Compile question responses currently in Excel file into a summarized by question Word file

Copper Contributor

Hi! I have collected data from a questionnaire and it is now in an Excel format.  The questions are in Row 1 at the top, respondents are in Column A with the answers under each question column. I need to convert this information into a Word Document organized by the Question.  Below is an example of what I'm looking to do. I *think* I should be able to do this using a Directory Mail Merge, but have been unsuccessful so far. I would really appreciate any thoughts on how best to do this.  Thanks!


Excel Sheet setup: 

 Question 1Question 2Question 3Question 4
Respondent 1Text is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph form
Respondent 2Text is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph form
Respondent 3Text is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph formText is in paragraph form


Preferred format for Word document:

Question 1

Respondent 1 answer

Respondent 2 answer

Respondent 3 answer


Question 2

Respondent 1 answer

Respondent 2 answer

Respondent 3 answer

1 Reply

Yes, directory merge should be able to do this for you. You'll need to have a label for your list of respondents (eg: "Respondent" in A1 cell in your table)