monitor remote event lo

Copper Contributor

Looking for help as I am totally new to powershell. 


I need to monitor a server for the event ID 950 in the system log. I need to know if the last timestamp is written is older than 10 minutes.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply


$LOGNAME = "System"

$EVENTID = 950

$evtTimeObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
    EventID = ""
    EventTime = ""
    CurrentTime = ""
    DeltaTime = ""

$eventTime = (Get-EventLog $LOGNAME | Where-Object { $_.EventID -eq $EVENTID }).TimeGenerated | Select-Object -First 1


If ($eventTime -ne $null) {
    $currentTime = Get-Date
    $deltaTime = $currentTime.Subtract($eventTime).Minutes

    $evtTimeObj.EventID = $EVENTID
    $evtTimeObj.EventTime = $eventTime
    $evtTimeObj.CurrentTime = $currentTime
    If ($deltaTime -gt $TIMETHRESHOLD) {
        $evtTimeObj.DeltaTime = "> $TIMETHRESHOLD mins."
    else {
        $evtTimeObj.DeltaTime = "< $TIMETHRESHOLD mins."
    Write-Output $evtTimeObj
Else {
    Write-Host "EventID $EVENTID not found." -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red