Switching from your Microsoft Account to your Corporate Credentials


Hi Insiders,

A Windows Insider (Chris Herringe) notified us that our register today button on our website may not be working correctly.  And when you click on it you may be taken to an incorrect sign in page.


We do want to ensure that you are signed out of your Microsoft Account before registering with your corporate credentials.  Please reference our guidance on joining the program using your Microsoft Account or your corporate credentials.


Having encountered this issue, Chris created and shared some interim workaround steps that may help you join the Insider program more easily using your corporate credentials (and switching from your Microsoft Account).


Please try these steps below if you encounter this issue:

  1. Go to hotmail.com or find something that is using your Microsoft Account and sign out.
  2. Go to office.com, confirm that it's logged into your business account and sign out.
  3. Confirm that you are signed out (you will see a sign-in link top-right) on the Windows Insider for Business page.
  4. Sign back in using the link on the Windows Insider for Business. 
  5. You should see the screen in the attached screenshot.  It is here that you should sign in using your corporate credentials.
  6. Return back to Windows Insider for Business.
  7. Confirm in the top right that you are signed in with your corporate credentials/business profile.
  8. Click on the REGISTER TODAY button on the Windows Insider for Business page.

We're grateful to Chris for alerting us all to this issue and are running this issue through our test team so that we can quickly resolve it. 


Chris - Thank you for your collaboration and commitment to the Windows Insider Program. That's what this program is all about, and we appreciate you!


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