After cloud recovery Account picture don't sync

Iron Contributor

Hi there!

As soon as MS announced Cloud recovery I've got a try to this option. All works smoothly. But the account picture does not sync. This happens ONLY in two places:

  • in settings

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  • and in Microsoft Edge

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Log out/Log in/Restart does not help. This occurred on previous flight. Currently i am on 18980.1 build and Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) for Edge.


Best regards,


3 Replies
the update for Microsoft Edge insider which is intended to fix the profile picture not being updated is planned for today or tomorrow.

For Windows 10, what happens when you select a picture in account settings inside Windows 10 as your profile picture?

I'm on the same build and haven't reinstalled Windows from the cloud, when I update my profile picture in the online Microsoft website, it takes ages to update
the picture inside Windows 10 account settings, so i usually have to manually select the same picture in the Windows settings too. It's been like this for me for the past few builds.

@HotCakeX Thanks for reply!

All others are OK:

Annotation 2019-09-18 192726.png    Annotation 2019-09-18 192814.png

Also in skype/office 365 - all are OK




That's great,