Retrieve alerts for a certain date (range)?

Copper Contributor

Is it possible to retrieve alerts for a certain date?

My script gets a lot of alerts (for example 'Anonymous IP address' alerts), so I want to limit the amount of data.

I tested the filtering using the Graph Explorer: (

Example 1)$filter=Severity eq 'High'

This is working fine; the returned data is limited to High severity alerts.

Example 2) I changed #1 to$filter=eventDateTime eq '2019-07-20T15:58:31Z'

In know that there is an item in the example data set that should match, but the query failed (Invalid filter clause).

So I am looking for another way to get the most recent alert (of just today or date range), for example with something like a sort of 'like' operator: $filter=eventDateTime like '2019-07-23'

Ofcource I can filter afterwards, but retrieving less data would better to speed up the processing of the alerts.

Any suggestions?


4 Replies

Hi @Martijn Wenke,


In order to get the most recent alert, you can use the $top query. For example,$top=10 will return 10 of the most recent alerts from each security provider that you have in your Azure AD tenant. 


If you would like to filter alerts using a DateTime range, there are a few example queries that show how to do so here:


I would recommend reading the Microsoft Graph documentation regarding OData queries.

@Edward Koval Thanks for the reply.

I tried to filter in the Graph explorer and it worked with a filter like this: /security/alerts?$filter=createdDateTime gt 2019-04-01T00:00:00.000Z and createdDateTime lt 2019-05-05T00:00:00.000Z


I implemented in in my Powershell script and export the results to a CSV to get an impression about the data that is retrieved. It looks like there are records with a  createdDateTime that should not be in the results.


Example code:


$TodayYMD = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$Temp = (Get-date).AddDays(-1)
$YesterdayYMD = Get-Date $Temp -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$Temp = (Get-date).AddDays(1)
$TomorrowYMD = Get-Date $Temp -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"



# Retrieve just the alerts that are in a certain time frame
[uri]$uriGraphEndpoint = "`$filter=createdDateTime%20gt%20" + $YesterdayYMD + "T00:00:00.000Z%20and%20createdDateTime%20lt%20" + $TomorrowYMD + "T00:00:00.000Z"


Paging is used in the script but there was just one page with data available (213 items)

In the stored data there are creation dates (createdDateTime) like:




During execution the URL looks like:$filter=createdDateTime gt 2019-07-29T00:00:00.000Z and createdDateTime lt 2019-07-31T00:00:00.000Z


So I still need to create a subset of the data:


$subset = $response.value | Where-Object {($_.createdDateTime -like "*$TodayYMD*") -or ($_.createdDateTime -like "*$YesterdayYMD*")} | Sort-Object createdDateTime


Any suggestions?


@Martijn Wenke 

I would double check the API request that is made to Microsoft Graph to make sure it matches your query in Graph Explorer. Using the $filter query parameter should return the subset of alerts between your time range. If you continue to run into this issue, please send me a direct message with the request id and your Azure tenant id.

@Edward KovalI did some checks and got the same result in the Graph Explorer. I did send you a personal message.