Need help on searching a document from Sitepage in Sharepoint using Microsoft Graph

Copper Contributor

I am working on SharePoint Integration where i am able to success using Microsoft Graph Explorer for a Site search using Drive id.

Here is how i am able search for a Single Site:!I9A-JY94D0CQp-2TBvsUupBLMUF2SrJHp5VylC7DY8DpCdF-7uQ6NTp6t-MRD8/root/search(q='sharepoint')


Now i am trying to search in SitePage where we have Documents added. Can anyone please help me the api to be used in Graph Explorer to get the correct result

I am able to SitePage id using$filter=name eq 'DevHome.aspx'
1 Reply

Hi @Abdul Azeez, this techcommunity forum handles responses to Microsoft Graph Security API related questions. For questions related to other Graph workloads like SharePoint, please submit the question on Stack Overflow and tag with Microsoft-Graph, or related techcommunity forum for Sharepoint. Thanks!